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David Mytton - Arcjet and console.dev Episode 96

David Mytton - Arcjet and console.dev

· 30:30

David is the CEO of Arcjet. Arcjet is a tool that helps developers protect their apps once they go into production. It offers Bot detection, rate limiting, email validation, attack protection, data redaction.

David is also the creator of the console.dev newsletter and podcast. It's where thousands of developers discover developer tools. 

In this episode we discuss how David thinks about creating content. Why he believes go-to-market is more difficult than product and how he works on creating great developer experience. 

- Arcjet https://arcjet.com/
- David Mytton - https://davidmytton.blog/
- Console https://console.dev/

AI DevTools hackathon this weekend in SF:
- Event page https://lu.ma/devtools-hackathon
- More info https://www.devtoolshackathon.com/

View episode transcript

Creators and Guests

David Mytton
David Mytton
Helping devs protect their apps @ https://t.co/IwEoUgBBBe. Writing https://t.co/yv3HcgPmxw. Researching sustainable computing @oxengsci. Devtool investor (email me)
Elliott Roche
Elliott Roche
Freelance Podcast Editor


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